Episode 1/21: The Wisdom Workshop Chapter 1/21 “We are many. Whom do we identify with?
Episode 1/21: The Wisdom Workshop Chapter 1/21 “We are many. Whom do we identify with?”
“The Fall, a time when the illusion of the Maya fades away, a freedom from the identification with the illusory persona. For as the trees let go of their leaves to embrace the new season each year, there is no need to fight the shadows that form the illusion or the masks that form our egoic personas, but rather enjoy the illusion for what it is and find the freedom to accept and play a role outside of identification.” ― Virgil Kalyana Mittata Iordache
We do identify ourselves with that what we have achieved, what we have gathered or bought. We identify ourselves through our roles. We have actually lost the deeper connection to love, knowledge and order. By losing this we lost connection to our infinite resources.
We shall not forget that there are infinite resources. Per definition, an infinite resource doesn’t become less, because we use it.