Episode 14/21: Wisdom Workshop "The Hayden Model" Interview with Julia Hayden (Interview in German)

Episode 14/21: Wisdom Workshop “The Hayden Model” Interview with Julia Hayden (Interview in German)

“What are chakras in Hinduism are wheels in Taoism, for example, are plexus in popular medicine and #spheres of the #tree of life in #Kabbalah. What in TCM is QI, we know in the West as #breath or body fluids, the #Vedas call it Prana. And in Japanese medicine the syllable “ki” in the word Reiki corresponds exactly to this life energy.
What in Hinduism are koshas, in conventional medicine are described as biosocial effect chains, and in Kabbalah teachings are levels of worlds.” From the manual The Hayden Model by Julia Hayden.
The Hayden Model serves as a facilitating toolbox to get closer to your inherent #wisdom and power for self healing. It combines in a simple way, Western conventional medicine with Traditional Chinese Medicine, with Jewish Kabbalah teachings, with Vedic philosophy from India, with your own knowledge.
The teaching cards explain in their simplicity through pictures and words the interaction of all levels of your being. They are very specific to use, adapted to the particular body, practical to implement, easy to understand and simple to use.

German Publication - click on the cover for more information.


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