Episode 4/21: The Wisdom Workshop Interview with Ajahn (Laoshi) Shi Miao Dao on "Metta" (in German)

Episode 4/21: The Wisdom Workshop Interview with Ajahn (Laoshi) Shi Miao Dao on “Metta” (in German)

Meditation is not about trying to get somewhere. It’s about allowing ourselves to be exactly where we are, and to be exactly as we are, and also allowing the world to be exactly as it is in this moment. – Jon Kabat-Zinn –

Metta is a word from the ancient Indian Pali language spoken at the time of the historical Buddha.
It means loving kindness, warmth of heart, benevolence, in a narrower sense it is derived from the words “kindness” and “gentleness.”

Ajahn Michal prefers not to translate it, but to call it just metta.
What this has to do with us as human beings and at the same time with politics and economy, you will learn in this interview, which in my opinion again has a wonderful depth and can show some new perspectives.

German Publication - click on the cover for more information.


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