Podcast – All Episodes

Episode 3/24 Wisdom Workshop: Ego Development with Barbara Küchler (German)
Episode 3/24 Wisdom Workshop: Ego Development with Barbara Küchler (German)

I talk to Barabara Küchler about levels of development in connection with leadership. We discuss the concepts of ego and self and the difference it makes to act from the self rather than exclusively from the ego. Why do we need leaders in organizations and companies who can include precisely this and why can we navigate more clearly through complexity in this way? We are working our way through many other aspects towards possible answers.

Episode 5/23 Wisdom Workshop: Innovation, Sustainability & Consciousness stages with Dr. Jan Berstermann (German)
Episode 5/23 Wisdom Workshop: Innovation, Sustainability & Consciousness stages with Dr. Jan Berstermann (German)

I talk with Dr. Jan Berstermann about sustainable innovations and the influence of stages of consciousness. Of course, we put these into our contexts and define them. For us, it is important to clarify that consciousness stages serve as an orientation, just as a navigation system guides us through maps, and it should in no way be seen as an ideologizing categorization.

Dr. Berstermann is an industrial engineer and holds a doctorate in economics, particularly in the field of sustainable management. Together with Prof. Dr. Karin Schnitker, he heads the Reallabor Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Agile Leadership at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences and has been a lecturer in the areas of corporate sustainability management and systemic leadership, among others, since 2017. Between 2015 and 2017, he worked as an organizational consultant in a medium-sized group of companies in the organic food industry.

Episode 4/23 Wisdom Workshop: Frugal Innovation Practical Example with Flo Oberhofer (German)
Episode 4/23 Wisdom Workshop: Frugal Innovation Practical Example with Flo Oberhofer (German)

Also this time I talk about the topic of Frugal Innovation, as I talk with Flo Oberhofer, a German sustainability consultant living in India.

In this podcast we talk about “simple” technologies, why over-engineering is not helpful in countries like India, the impact Flo is having with his team at Terra Preta in India and how this is helping farmers, who are getting natural and affordable fertilizers as a result.

Terra Preta Impact Innovations LLP was established to help EU-based companies and organizations develop impact projects and create sustainability businesses in India.

With a strong focus on conscious and social entrepreneurship, Flo and his team work in various SDG-related areas such as biodiversity, clean tech, circular economy, responsible sourcing or regenerative agriculture. By creating independent businesses, they help companies redefine their value chains towards a future-proof, sustainable approach.

Pixabay-Image by Annca

Episode 03/23 Wisdom Workshop: Frugal Innovation with Prof. Dr. Rajnish Tiwari (German)
Episode 03/23 Wisdom Workshop: Frugal Innovation with Prof. Dr. Rajnish Tiwari (German)

The world is changing at an unprecedented rate. We have actually long since understood that higher, faster and further is not the solution for the future viability of humanity. “Because we can no longer afford as a global society to continue our consumption of resources as we have been doing, we must … think about our product architecture. That’s the contribution of frugal innovation in terms of sustainability, putting resource consumption to the test in terms of efficiency and in terms of effectiveness.” Prof. Dr. Rajnish Tiwari
The conversation with Prof. Dr. Rajnish Tiwari gives a deep insight into the topic of “frugal innovation” in the sense of “appropriate”. What can the Western world learn from developments in emerging markets and what impact do these have on product composition, on the way the Western world also has to go in order to avoid wasting resources? We discuss this and much more in this podcast.

Enjoy listening.

Episode 02/23 Wisdom Workshop: Sustainability – Cradle to Cradle with Heike Petersen Cunza (German)
Episode 02/23 Wisdom Workshop: Sustainability – Cradle to Cradle with Heike Petersen Cunza (German)

With Wellicious, Heike has developed a brand for yoga clothing that focuses on honest and traceable sustainability. We talk about her path to becoming self-employed, which inner and outer processes the mother of three has gone through and which hurdles there are in building a sustainable brand. In this interview, we look at different aspects that are necessary to be able to grasp the complexity behind it. Thank you Heike, for this valuable interview, from which companies, suppliers and consumers can learn.

Pixabay Image by Gert Altmann

Episode 01/23 Wisdom Workshop: SCRUM in Intercultural Teams with Elisabeth Tieben (German)

What is Scrum? How can agile work be well designed in an international context? What are the challenges of agile working in a team that is collectivistic and hierarchical on the one hand and individualistic on the other? The independent systemic consultant, Elisabeth Tieben, has gained over 12 years of experience in agile project teams as an employed product manager, before she started her own business in 2022. I talk with her about the questions above.
Have fun listening to our conversation.

Episode 01/22: Daniela Sarrazin interviews me about “Endure and Trust” (German)

The first podcast this year, and this time I am interviewed by Daniela Sarrazin. Daniela describes the content in her introduction as follows: “In today’s podcast I get to have a wonderful, almost philosophical conversation with Purvi-Shah-Paulini. In it, we are talking about “enduring and trusting”. With a wonderful lightness, we address the topics of “enduring what is”; what “the” process of change does to us”; “trusting myself”; “accepting what my counterpart is all about”; “trusting your own life”; and ultimately, “believing that everything will be okay.””

Thank you, Daniela, for the lightness in this interview. I really enjoyed being on the “other side” for a change.

Episode 14/21: Wisdom Workshop “The Hayden Model” Interview with Julia Hayden (Interview in German)

“What are chakras in Hinduism are wheels in Taoism, for example, are plexus in popular medicine and spheres of the tree of life in Kabbalah. What in TCM is QI, we know in the West as breath or body fluids, the Vedas call it Prana. And in Japanese medicine the syllable “ki” in the word Reiki corresponds exactly to this life energy.
What in Hinduism are koshas, in conventional medicine are described as biosocial effect chains, and in Kabbalah teachings are levels of worlds.” From the manual The Hayden Model by Julia Hayden.
The Hayden Model serves as a facilitating toolbox to get closer to your inherent wisdom and power for self healing. It combines in a simple way, Western conventional medicine with Traditional Chinese Medicine, with Jewish Kabbalah teachings, with Vedic philosophy from India, with your own knowledge.
The teaching cards explain in their simplicity through pictures and words the interaction of all levels of your being. They are very specific to use, adapted to the particular body, practical to implement, easy to understand and simple to use.

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