Episode 7/21: The Wisdom Workshop Interview with Ute Marke "The Mad Mom Cycling"

Episode 7/21: The Wisdom Workshop Interview with Ute Marke “The Mad Mom Cycling”
“We are one human race. We all have the same aspirations and dreams … we all have the same hopes … and we all go through the same things. We should stop limiting ourselves to religion, gender, or to national aspects. This is just rubbish in my sense … I just consider myself to be part of the human race. I bow my head towards India, because India allows me to be the way I am” – Ute Marke

Ute Marke whose nick name is “The Mad Mom Cycling”, is a certified economist with sound experience in Telecommunication sector with strong focus on human centered digitalization. Now a days she supports young businesses within the green economy with strategic advice and consultancy. She has enabled life enhancing social projects in Africa and India

Where does her passion for India come from? What has this country given her? What relationship does she have with spirituality and how does she see herself and others see her? And of course we speak about Leadership and Change, resilience and sustainable future. What can German companies learn from India?

Listen to this impressive woman, who learned cycling at the age of 45 and cycled 1000 miles through Lesotho for a good cause and the Himalayas! Ute, you rock and P L E A S E keep on going. You show people around the world, that nothing is impossible and everything starts in your mind: boundlessness or the belief in a life full of boundaries. You are a role model! Thank you for this wonderful and very deep interview. With a deep bow!

German Publication - click on the cover for more information.


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