Episode 15: Die Weisheitswerkstatt "Weiblichkeit der neuen Zeit" Interview mit Katrin Renner

Episode 15: The Wisdom Workshop “The Era of the new femininity” Interview with Katrin Renner

Katrin Renner, a consultant of a renowned auditing company and chakra therapist, sees herself as a bridge between intellect and emotion. She talks about the “femininity of the new era” and why it is important to also unite and connect this quality within us (men and women). She speaks about the ancient Indian Vedas which were “developed” thousands of years ago and which are more current than ever. What do emotions like fear, anger and shame and so on have to do with the Chakras? Colors do also play an important role amongst others.

Listen and Watch to our conversation in German.

German Publication - click on the cover for more information.


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